Graduate Internship Program at Procter and Gamble

 Employment Nigeria 21-Oct-2017 LAGOS , Graduate Trainee  

POSITION : Graduate Internship Program


The Internship drive is for fresh graduates who have NOT commenced their National Youth Service (NYSC) and have at least 7 months from now before starting NYSC (i.e. would not start NYSC until at least March 2018). Our aim is to pre-select exceptional fresh graduates for internship openings in P&G.

This opening is not limited to any specific field of study. The job openings cover departments like Sales, Supply Network Operations, Brand/Marketing, Consumer Market Knowledge, Human Resources e.t.c. Successful candidates will be considered for openings across Procter & Gamble departments in Lagos. Note that no specific field of study is required for any specific department.


  • This opening is not limited to any specific field of study, but for fresh graduates only, who have at least 7 months before starting NYSC i.e. is not starting NYSC any time before March 2018.

Sorry the application deadline for this job has elapsed

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